How to uninstall sophos endpoint agent without password
How to uninstall sophos endpoint agent without password

Therefore reorder your uninstall strings (that you extracted from the registry editor) as shown below. The order in which the endpoint components are removed is important. FDE blade is stuck in 'Waiting for Policy' stage When trying to uninstall the client, following error appears: Error 27118.FDE must finish deployment before it can be uninstalled When uninstalling.


A command line such as the following can be used. Tried running the Microsoft tool 'Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter' that i found as suggestion on other problems and it found and fixed 'something' and now Check Point Endpoint Security does not show up under programs and features, though it still prompts for the uninstall password if i try to install the new EPS client.

how to uninstall sophos endpoint agent without password

Prior to uninstalling the endpoint components, you should stop the Sophos AutoUpdate Service to prevent a potential update of the endpoint software during the removal. If you need further information on Windows Installer (MSIEXEC.exe) and associated parameters we recommend you consult up to date Microsoft documentation. MsiExec.exe /X /qn REBOOT=SUPPRESS /L*v %windir%\Temp\Uninstall_SAV9-10_Log.txt For example the uninstall string for Sophos Anti-Virus v10 is: The uninstall strings copied from the registry may contain MSIEXEC.exe parameters or you may want to add your own parameters to control what the end user sees on screen and how the computer behaves. Repeat steps three to five for all other component you need to remove.

how to uninstall sophos endpoint agent without password

In the list of values find the ‘UninstallString’, right-click it and select ‘Modify’. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UninstallĬlick through the list and locate the first Sophos component you need to uninstall. Note: On a 64-bit computer you will need to check both the key above and the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ On an endpoint computer open the registry editor (Start | Run | Type: regedit.exe | Press return).Įxpand the left hand tree to the following key:

How to uninstall sophos endpoint agent without password